Saturday, August 23, 2014

Easy Baked Paleo Chicken Tenders

I don't eat Paleo but I like to try some of their recipes since they usually do not have any (wheat) flour in them. I always play around with the idea of going gluten free but so far I can't seem to stick with any kind of restriction type diet. I'm more of a eat a bit of everything in moderation girl.

I mostly just picked these because they looked good and I thought the kids might like them.

Easy Baked Paleo Chicken Tenders from Allergy Free Alaska

Mine of course, look nothing like the original recipe picture. I'm guessing that is because I forgot to pat my chicken dry and that I did not have any spray olive oil. I recently stopped using PAM because I've read that it is not that good for you. I need to buy myself an olive oil mister.

Here's my breakdown:

Serves 6

2 pounds Chicken Tenders $6.46
1 cup almond flour-$1.68 (I bought a pound of bulk almond flour at Winco and this was about 1/4 of a pound.)
1 tbsp Flax Meal-had on hand (probably could just leave this out if you didn't have it)
1 tsp paprika-had on hand
1/2 tsp garlic powder-had on hand
1/2 tsp sea salt-used regular salt-had on hand
1/2 tsp dried parsley-had on hand
1/4 tsp poultry seasoning-had on hand (this stuff has been in my cabinet FORever)
ground black pepper-had on hand
2 eggs-$.25
olive oil in a sprayer-didn't have just wiped a bit on the pan-had on hand

Total cost $8.39 for $1.40 a serving. Calories from Lose It calculator.

Everyone in my house liked the chicken and we didn't have any left overs. That's always a sure sign of a good recipe in our house.

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